Technical Specifications Television

For commercial material

Technical Specifications - Television

    Video  1920x1080, 4:2:2 with 8/10 quantizing (per SMPTE ST 274 : 2008)
 Constant 29.97 frames/sec interlaced, upper field first
 Safe title zone: 90% height and width of the full HD picture
 Colour space in compliance with Rec. ITU-R BT.709
   Audio   PCM, 48kHz, 24-bit, -2dBTP Max
 An audio mix ranging from 2 tracks (stereo) up to 6 tracks (5.1) and a stereo mix for DV
 Track allocation: 1:L 2:R 3:C 4:LFE 5:Ls 6:Rs 7:DV-L 8:DV-R
 Integrated commercial loudness: -24LKFS +/-1LU (measured using UIT-R BS. 1770-3 algorithm)
 Described Video (DV)  If no DV is available, a stereo mix of the commercial is required on tracks 7 and 8
Lip Sync  1 field maximum tolerable sound and picture misalignment
Time Code   Present, drop frame mode, continous (from start to end - not visible on screen)
Closed Captioning (CC)  The length of the CC file must be the same as the length of the video file. The same must be true for the time code.
The CC file needs to be structured for 29.97fps, Type: drop frame.
MXF (.mxf) XD CAM HD422 @ 50Mbps PCM Per SMPTE ST 377-1:2011 CEA-608 type encapsulated into CEA-708 type data, carried in ANC per SMPTE ST 436:2006, 8 bit coding
Quick Time (.mov) XD CAM HD422 @ 50Mbps PCM Present in the file, not on the screen Shall be carried in the .mov file

Closed-caption - CC: (required by the CRTC)

All commercials must be closed-captioned (.scc files or embedded into video file). Commercials without voice over and containing only music still require closed captioning: meaning a musical note ♪ or the word “music” must appear in the closed captioning throughout the entirety of the commercial. The timecode and the name of the .scc file must be the same as the video.


File Structure:

09:59:57:00 2 sec Silence Slate
09:59:59:00 1 sec Silence Black
10:00:00:00 --- Commercial Commercial
--- 1 sec Silence Black


File naming convention: The file name must not contain special characters or accents.

1st Advertiser Name of the advertiser who appers in the commercial
2nd AdID Unique advertising ID /Commercial ID (AdID / ISCI)
3rd Title Commercial Title
4th Duration Commercial duration given in seconds (ex: 15s, 30s, 60s, etc…)
Example : DunderMifflin_DUMIF4556T30E_ScottsTots_30.mxf


For details on: Instructions thinktv clearance / Telecaster

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