Season: Spring 2024
Brandon Gonez
Information to come
Information to come
CBC, Insight Productions and The Gurin Company
Information to come
Canada's cross-country reality competition series returns!
Canada's Ultimate Challenge turns the entire country into a giant obstacle course
Canada's Ultimate Challenge is a competition reality format that transforms iconic Canadian locations into epic challenges that will test the limit of each competitor. Each episode takes place at an awe-inspiring location where the Players – 20 people from across the country competing in teams of four – compete in spectacular team challenges that put their skills to the test. In the end, only one team will win CANADA'S ULTIMATE CHALLENGE!
Join the thrill and integrate your brand into the show to connect with a dedicated audience! We're open for partners.
Reached over 819K in the A25-54 demographic*
Accumulated over 680K pageviews on the GEM show page
Boasted a strong sense of mutual viewing, with 60% of the audience enjoying the series together
*Sources: TV: Numeris TV Meter Data, CBC Total, Total Canada | Digital: Adobe Analytics, CBC production
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