Release: 2021-2022
Marie-Eve Morency and the following couples: Mélissa Desormeaux Poulin and Mani Soleymanlou, Virginie and Bernard Fortin, Richardson Zéphir and Roger Léger, Julie Ringuette and Pascal Morissette, Michel Charette and François Chénier, Bianca Gervais and Sébastien Diaz, Fayolle Jean and Fayolle Jean Jr, Danielle Proulx and Émile Proulx Cloutier, and Marc Beaupré and Catherine Larochelle
Information to come
Raphaël Malo
Information to come
Information to come
Digital original comedy presented in short five-minute segments.
During the pandemic, the artists' union has suffered a spate of layoffs. Dozens of jobs have been cut, including several in moral and psychological support. Unfortunately, the need for these services has never been greater. The lockdown has triggered – and continues to trigger – anxieties and complications, often at the heart of professional relationships, friendships and even the households of Quebec's favourite celebrity couples.
Always wearing her heart on her sleeve, diehard showbiz fan Jowanne steps up to help the industry's performers get through this challenging time.
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