CBC Aspera Protocol and Technical Specifications for Television Commercial Delivery
CBC Aspera Protocol and Technical Specifications
These technical specifications apply to commercials provided to CBC for distribution on the Television platform.
Preferred Delivery
CBC recommends the use of these paid delivery services. Their primary value is the ability to meet our Technical Requirements, including closed captioning, every time, without delaying your campaign.
Extreme Reach Canada | csrcanada@extremereach.com | CBC Toronto HUB |
DMDS/ Yangaroo | biren@yangaroo.comy | CBC Network (All Canada) HUB |
Airdate/ SpotGenie | Mike.lata@airdate.ca | CBC Toronto HUB |
LaMajeure | Cynthia.littler@lamajeure.com | CBC |
Comcast (U.S.) | June_edwards@cable.comcast.com | CBC Network (All Canada) |
Javelin | Leslie.Hilleman@adstream.com | Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Stations Hub CBCCA |
Questions? Please contact: pmgcommercialmanagement@cbc.ca
FTP (Aspera)
Our internal FTP site (Aspera) may be available for smaller, local clients who only send a couple of spots a year and are able to comply with our technical specifications.
Contact a CBC Commercial Management administrator for an account:
CBC will accept only one (1) file per upload. If you have several spots to send, you will need to repeat the steps below for each commercial.
*** DO NOT SEND ZIP FILES OR SEPARATE CLOSED CAPTION FILES.*** Everything must be wrapped in a single mxf video file.
Metadata Required
1-4 | Prefix name of Advertiser |
5-8 | Year material was sent |
9-11 | User generated |
12 | Use "T" for Television |
13 | Use "E" for English, "F" for French |
14-15 | Use "HD" for HD material |
16-17 | Use "TR" if the spot is a Tech Rev |
I.E. First spot for John's Auto Shop sent in 2017 - an Commercial ID would be labeled as: JOHN2017001TEHD
The subjective image and audio quality of commercials should be excellent (imperceptible impairments). The dialogue must remain intelligible throughout the entire commercial.
File Naming
The file name must be alphanumeric. The name shall not contain any accent, special character or space. The maximum length of the complete file name shall not exceed 80 characters.
File Structure
09:59:57:00 | 2 sec | Silence | Slate |
09:59:59:00 | 1 sec | Silence | Black |
10:00:00:00 | --- | Commercial | Commercial |
--- | 1 sec | Silence | Black |
*** If possible, please submit creative without Bars and Tones off the top
HD Video | 1920x1080, 4:2:2 with 8/10 quantizing (per SMPTE ST 274 : 2008) |
Constant 29.97 frames/sec interlaced, upper field first | |
Safe title zone: 90% height and width of the full HD picture | |
Colour space in compliance with Rec. ITU-R BT.709 | |
Audio | PCM, 48kHz, 24-bit, -2dBTP Max |
An audio mix ranging from 2 tracks (stereo) up to 6 tracks (5.1) and a stereo mix for DV | |
Track allocation 5.1: 1:L, 2:R, 3:C, 4:LFE, 5:Ls, 6:Rs, 7:DV-L, 8:DV-R Track Allocation Stereo: 1:LT, 2:RT, 3:Unused (Silence), 4:Unused (Silence), 5:Unused (Silence), 6:Unused (Silence), 7:DV-L, 8:DV-R |
Integrated commercial loudness: -24LKFS +/-1LU (measured using UIT-R BS. 1770-3 algorithm) | |
Described Video (DV) | If no DV is available, a stereo mix of the commercial is required on tracks 7 and 8 |
Lip Sync | 1 field maximum tolerable sound and picture misalignment |
Time Code | Present, drop frame mode, continous (from start to end - not visible on screen) |
Closed Caption | • The CC Track shall have the same duration as the video track • The CC must be formatted for a 29.97fps Drop Frame Time Code • ***If using Pop-On closed captioning, please assure first line is Paint-On so our encoder can capture all captioning accurately.*** |
File - Specifications
MXF (.mxf) **Preferred Format** |
(HD) XD CAM HD422 @ 50Mbps (SD) IMX50 (MPEG50 SD in AVID) |
PCM | Per SMPTE ST 377-1:2011 | CEA-608 type encapsulated into CEA-708 type data, carried in ANC per SMPTE ST 436:2006, 8 bit coding |
Quick Time (.mov) | XD CAM HD422 @ 50Mbps (SD) Apple ProRes |
PCM | Present | Shall be carried in the .mov file |
Note: CBC/Radio Canada inserts the AFD value in the HD commercial file such that the legacy 4:3 receivers automatically select the letterbox display.
Closed Captioning Tips
To prevent Closed Captioning from being clipped at the start of the commercial try any of the following
Commercial Revisions or Resends
Script Change to Audio or Video | New Commercial ID (can add "R" or "REV" to end of original Commercial ID) Re-submit for Telecaster Approval Send new Traffic Instructions with updated Commercial ID to the Scheduler |
Creates new house number |
Technical Reasons | Same Commercial ID and Title as the original E-mail pmgcommercialmanagement@cbc.ca explaining the reason for the re-send When sending material through a delivery service, indicate the reason for resending in the Notes/Tags field No need to resubmit for Telecaster Approval Examples
Transfers to the same house # (whether the original creative has gone to air or not) |
Add Closed Captioning | Use the same Commercial ID as the original and add "CC" or "Closed Captioned" to the end of the original Title E-mail pmgcommercialmanagement@cbc.ca explaining the reason for the re-send It's the agency's choice if they wish to revise and send new scheduling instructions to Traffic No need to resubmit for Telecaster Approval | Transfers to the same house number |
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